TATA encourages and promotes all facets of Art Education, providing a state focus for all such activity in Tasmania, with its council comprising a diverse range of art education specialists across all levels of Tasmanian education.

TATA serves members who teach art in both specialist and non-special capacities, student art teachers and professionals engaged in art education.


TATA members operate over a range of contexts, including pre-school/preparatory, primary schools, secondary schools, private education providers, creative industries and related industries which engage within creative arts e.g. health, social and community services.


Art education advice, information and assistance to members, advocacy for the education sector in relation to policy and curriculum development and assistance to our members to build social capital through quality art education. Contribute to the development of Arts Education and nourish connectivity and collegiality between our members.

Tasmanian Art Teachers are committed to the Reconciliation process. Through our ongoing work in art education, we acknowledge the original owners of the land upon which we learn, teach and create with our students. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and future in our shared spaces of learning, teaching and creating


To find our more about our values, vision and directions for the future, visit our governance and strategic planning documents:

To learn more about the breadth and depth of TATA’s accomplishments and their advocacy campaigns, read our Annual Reports:


TATA has at its heart a concern for the challenges encountered by those who teach and work in Art Education contexts in Tasmania, and a vested interest to support teaching and student learning in and through visual art.

  • TATA has achieved success in working to restore equitable Life Drawing opportunities for all college aged students in Tasmania.

  • We have also introduced the TATA Open Classroom initiative, which has seen several schools each year open their art departments to colleagues from different schools and sectors to engage in informal discussions around art teaching and sharing of practice.

  • Further to this, we have also created opportunities for our art teachers to celebrate engagement in arts practice through a suite of TATA curated professional art exhibitions.


Sarah Brooke
University of Tasmania

Antonio Zanchetta
Lilydale District School

Vice President:
Richard Beerens (Outgoing Vice President)
Kingston High School

Luke Viney (Outgoing Secretary)
Devonport High School

Jan Hogan (Outgoing Treasurer)
University of Tasmania

Michelle Walker
Burnie High School

Social Media Manager:
Caz Saunders
Riverside High School



Hannah Derbyshire
Scotch Oakburn College

Miriam Berkery
Friends School

Kate Camm
Elizabeth College

Meg Lutwyche
Reece High School

Henry Watson
University of Tasmania

Sarah Stubbs
University of Tasmania

Chloe Bonney
University of Tasmania